Profitable Business Applications of Multimedia Marketing Presentations. Open Markets MUCH LARGER Than the One(s) You Sell Now

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Visual sales pitches can promote your product or service to the whole world

There are many uses for this kind of solution beyond the obvious one (as an online commercial). For example:

  • New Website & New Product Tours: We've had several clients engage us to use this technology to help introduce their new or updated websites, app or other programs. For example, Nexus Financial wanted to help existing members of a new B2B website better understand how to use and access many popular features. By educating their subscribers on a broad range of available offerings, they knew they could improve their subscriber retention, because members would discover greater value in the website subscription.

    Nexus also wanted a tour that layered in subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions for prospects to subscribe. They knew that non-subscribers would watch the tour too and they wanted it to help move these prospects to buy. As a result, we developed a presentation that did BOTH jobs: education & promotion cleverly woven together. This helped their customer base embrace the new site's many features while also winning a large volume of new subscribers.
Multimedia sales presentation are an exciting, engaging way to present your product or services.
  • E-Learning/E-courses/E-coaching: If you have information or educational materials in search of monetization, these technologies are excellent ways to package your content for online consumption. Rather than shoot video of a seminar and mix that with video of Power Point slides and similar, you can instead closely replicate that very same kind of in-person experience, without having to jack up user bandwidth requirements and thus screen out and/or disappoint buyers with slower connections. A bonus...
When you can sell a live experience through a virtual medium, you can scale revenue to much greater levels than you would EVER be able to fulfill in person... and reach remote markets you might never visit. Revenue from far & wide is just as good as LOCAL revenue... especially when there's so much MORE of it.
  • Infomercials repurposed: If you use infomercials to help sell your products or services, every time you get a winning infomercial, a great deal of the creative in the infomercial can be repurposed within these technologies. For example, the narration track and many of the more interesting visuals (graphics, etc.) can be leveraged to bring the same sales magic online. "Call now" can become "Click now" for online ordering and the finer details showcased on the big screen (television) will still look great in the bigger playback windows of these technologies- much preferable to converting the infomercial to a web video and having it play back in tiny player windows with lots of buffering delays for some prospects.

  • It never stops selling and always delivers a perfect presentation
  • Interactive Quizzes: These same kinds of technologies can be presented as highly interactive presentations that can BRANCH based upon choices made by your users. One terrific application of this capability is the interactive quiz. For example, one of our clients had an educational course they wanted to sell online. The price was relatively high for their space so they needed some innovative ways to motivate prospects to consider their proposition... even recognize the need to own this particular course.

    BI employed this technology to create the market need. We developed a teaser gimmick for their website in which prospective course buyers were challenged to test their knowledge of the topic covered in the course. The quiz questions were culled from information conveyed in the course. We designed a tough quiz, resulting in a high fail rate (by design). Failing the quiz exposed an in-their-face need to do something to gain the specific knowledge.

    The presentation immediately presented the solution to them: the course pitch. This sold many courses at a premium price making our client very happy. The fun in the concept of the free quiz exposed the immediate, glaring need for the knowledge... and buying the course was the obvious, immediate solution.
  • Etc. There are many other applications. These can be a more mainstream (audience) choice almost any time you might think you want to use web video. Or how about both? Serve up video for those with the bandwidth but don't leave out the rest of the market by having this as an option for slower connections.

A multimedia presentation, web infomercial or interactive application is just another way our team can help your company grow your digital marketing profits.

We can connect you with your target audience in new ways... and move them to buy now.

Couldn't your Ecommerce goals be achieved that much sooner by having your message sold with spoken words & animation? Wouldn't adding an interactive feature help differentiate your offerings from your competitors... even the whales?

A human voice conveys emotion, inflection, passion and so much more than the very same copy appearing on any web page design will ever do. Even the best copywriter in the world can't compete with the added dimensions of spoken words, animations and interaction that adapts a pitch to each user's wants & needs. Your salespeople get the job done by speaking your message. Now your website can take a big step in that direction too! Plus, it can endlessly pitch any number of prospects for no salary or commissions- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- a tireless & highly-optimized winning presentation EVERY SINGLE TIME.


There are markets well beyond your current one...

95% of the online market is OUTSIDE of North America. Are you after it?

In global Ecommerce, North America represents only 5% of the market. ONLY FIVE PERCENT! If you heavily focus your sales in North America, you are missing out on many larger markets waiting for you to sell them. Why ignore ALL of THAT opportunity?

These multimedia sales presentations can be constructed with these much-broader-reach opportunities in mind. If we design them heavy on the imagery, adapting one for other global markets is mostly re-recording the narration in the target language(s). If you wanted to test your way into some markets beyond your classic boundaries, this is a VERY cost-effective medium to gauge GLOBAL demand. You don't really know unless you try.

What if you have far more buyers over THERE... waiting for you to show & tell THEM all about it?


Our team can deliver up to a turnkey solution(s) for you. If you like, we can create your own narrated presentation from scratch and deliver a high-polish, Internet infomercial in short time frames. Or, we can interact with your people to craft ideal messaging, outline & story board in an optimal flow, record & process titillating audio and/or video and then blend it all together into your own dedicated, online power play.

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION. Tell us what you would like to accomplish with the power of the human voice and we'll make it happen in the most effective way. "Show & tell" worked wonders when you were a kid; it can work even better today. Now you can apply 21st-century solutions to sell your business "gee whiz" to the whole wide world. We can make it happen! Contact us right now.


"If you fail to plan..."

A smart business plan helps you achieve your greatest objectives

Consult any quality source about building a business- or growing one- and they always offer the same core recommendation...


Why? Because it works. Planning gets you organized. It:

  • puts tangible meat to the bones of good ideas.
  • presses the whole team to plot the BEST course forward, figuring out the optimal steps from here to there.
  • minimizes cost & risk, marginalizes strategic threats and narrows in on specific opportunities with the greatest upside.
  • resolves "chaos culture" and "panic scrambles" by mitigating guesses at what employees think they should be doing... because they will KNOW... without having to be mind-readers.
  • effectively communicates the mission, vision, objectives and tactics so that everyone clearly knows their roles... and how to contribute their best.

By FOCUSING the entire organization and working out the most likely ways to achieve even lofty goals, you maximize your chances of actually reaching them. Every successful business of size has a written plan as a guide to greatness.

Do you have one?

If not, review the step-by-step to creating your ultimate plan...

Direct Response marketing narrowly targets those most likely to buy and uses a promotion pushing them to buy now!

As implied by its name, Direct Response marketing promotes directly to those most likely to buy and strives for an immediate, "buy now" response. It works so well because it focuses only on prospects...


...which often means pools of leads who already buy something very similar to- or have shown some tangible interest in- exactly what you want to sell them.

It's also a "test-cheap, scale huge" tactic, meaning you can risk relatively little to verify profitability of a pool of leads... and then scale up 10X to 300X or more to others who are just like them.

Subscription and Membership Models offer consistent recurring revenue and income

Instead of starting every new year's sales numbers back at...


... what if you could have an AUTOMATIC source of profitable sales income?



Imagine making a sale that is very likely to REPEAT next year... AND again the year after that... AND AGAIN the year after that.

Imagine the EASY income in renewals.

Imagine the long-term loyalty cross-selling & upselling opportunity.

Imagine the cash flow stabilization that comes with a dependable revenue stream on auto-pilot.

Multimedia marketing sells better than static images and website copy

Leaning too hard on static text and still imagery in sales creative? Need something new, fresh and different to excite your prospects?

Multimedia marketing adds video & audio punch, amping up revenue with the extra power of emotion, inflection, enthusiasm and more. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are 60 frames-per-second worth?

Learn about 21st-century, marketing solutions with impact...